It couldn’t have got worse for Pumba. On a day when the Sun came out 10 minutes before schedule time, when the delicious worms decided to stay under big cozy rocks to give
Scrolling through the mails he found almost everyone on Planet Dirt mailing him. Crazy subjects, sent repeatedly, humongous attachments and they were never ending. He decided to unclutter life. So, today’s mission: Delete all useless mails sent after last night and read all the important ones, and yeah, delete them after reading. Muscles flexed, eyebrows relaxed, a can of baked worms with salsa sauce, and Pumba was ready to march (read click).
‘Walk-Ins at Zek Tanindra, Baccenture, Outofsys’ – mostly, the mails had these subjects. So Pumba went on saying, “Delete, delete, trash, spam, delete, spam again”. Soon he realized, they were not disappearing from the Inbox. Gods of Realization hit on him and he actually started deleting them. He even deleted the one that Timon sent. The subject, “Let’s make a new State 1.0’. And then, the retina of his eyes came out, the balls came later. The most dreaded mail was lying there, staring right into the trembling Pumba. The mail from his programme coordinator, his name we can’t disclose due to ‘strategic’ security reasons. And the subject said ‘ABCD(EFG) - Tri-II & V: Important Notice - Lecture by Jungle Book Awardee’.
Pumba gulped down another can. Bravely, he opened it. And yes, what he feared, came true. It was lying right there in bold, underlined Trajan Pro 22 text.
‘Attendance Compulsory’.