Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Then & Now

We used to travel great distances, usually without any cars or bikes, to invite a person to be our guest, but now, it is the mode of transport that person uses, that determines if he would be our guest or not.

We used to praise the person more before he died, but now, even after his death, the act has turned into a formality, seldom adhered to.

We used to stay fit and eat good food so that we could think how we could be of better use for others, but now, we only think of how we can use others better to stay fit and eat good food.

We used to oppose unethical practices and gain friends while doing so, but now, we gain through unethical practices and refer to others in the same boat, as friends.

We used to convert the occasion of a guest coming home into a festival, but now, we celebrate festivals so that guests come home.

We used to construct small houses but live in lavish homes, but now we construct lavish houses, and at times, die even without seeing it become anything close to a home.

We used to love without expecting anything from the other, yes anything, but now, we would love anyone who would give us anything that we expect the most.

We used to bring home a poor man on some days so that he wouldn’t have to search for food on the roads like an animal at least for that one day, but now, we bring home animals, and often give them food, which many poor men can’t even afford in an entire lifetime.

We used to talk about our youth doing various things everyday for our country, but now we only talk about our youth going to various countries everyday, hiding the selfish interests, behind the veil of globalization.

We used to earn in order to be able to do something for our country, but now, we ask, if the country can do something for us so that we can earn more, yes, for ourselves.

We used to regard our values as our priceless assets, but now we value nothing else, but our pricey assets.

We used to live life every second then, but now every second has become a reminder for our survival.

Other countries with lose values used to look up to us, but now, we look up to other countries for selfish gains and lose our values.

I used to think that what we were, we will soon realize, was just an unreal utopia-like past, but now, I think if we love that kind of past more than the present, it is just a matter of time before you join me to bring that past back and move towards the future like no one has ever before.

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